7 Effective Ways to Use SEO for Brand Promotion

In today’s digital era, almost every brand is putting efforts in digital marketing. Promoting your brand digitally may seem difficult as there is so much competition. Yes, it is sometimes challenging; but using proper SEO strategy you can boost your online visibility. 

To reach potential customers and create a positive brand image, strong online presence is very crucial nowadays. Below we are sharing 7 effective SEO strategies that will help you successfully promote your brand online. 

Effective ways to use SEO for Brand Promotion

How Is SEO Related to Brand Promotion? 

Promoting a brand means making it more recognisable to more people in its target audience. The main focus of promotion is reaching people. SEO plays a big role in increasing the reach. 

Nowadays most of the people rely on search engines for most of their queries. Ranking on search engine results can gain a huge amount of reach. Just creating a website for your brand will not take you there; proper SEO optimization will. 

SEO focuses on improving user experience, reaching the right people and increasing website’s desirability that overall result in a successful brand name.

SEO Strategies for Promoting Your Brand 

Many companies choose paid advertisement as a main element of promotion. But that can be expensive and you can end up paying for poor quality clicks. In this internet dependent world, SEO strategies can help a lot with brand promotion to increase brand visibility with professional content writing services.

Here are 7 proven and cost-effective SEO strategies that will help you reach your desired audience. 

1. Link Building 

Though link building is a difficult path, it helps to get the most of user engagements. The total number of referring domains linking to a website is an important factor for ranking on the SERP. The more you are visible on the SERP, the more you will reach your potential customers. 

Along with linking your website in different platforms, creating authoritative backlinks is a key factor as well. As Google relies very much on authoritative backlinks, it is very crucial to refer the right websites in order to rank. 

Link building alone can get the most of your digital promotion done. Here are some popular link building strategies for your brand’s website: 

  • Use platforms like Quora, Reddit
  • Collaborate with social influencers on Instagram, YouTube
  • Use infographics and videos
  • Create Facebook and Instagram page for the brand, post on a regular basis 
  • Add blogs to your website 
  • Write guest posting for authoritative sites

2. Optimising on-Page SEO Factors

Optimising on-page SEO typically means optimising the pages of your website in order to gain visibility and improve user experience. This can be done by optimising the SEO factors such as content, page loading speed, alt texts etc. here we are discussing some of the most important SEO elements that need to be optimised. 

  • Page loading speed: In this age of fast internet, people easily lose interest if the loading speed is slow. In order to rank on Google SERP, the page load speed should not be more than 3 seconds. 

To improve your page load speed you should- 

  1. Use shorter codes 
  2. Use cache
  3. Compress image and videos
  • Content: A website’s contents should be engaging. You should optimise every kind of content of your website like images, blogs, graphs and charts etc. Properly optimised contents helps Google easily crawl through your websites and also improves user experience.  
  • Alt text: If your website’s images do not load, the alt text helps the user understand the context of the image. Also, Google does not quite view the images added to your website, it crawls the alt text. If the alt text is properly optimised, Google will understand the relevance of the image and rank accordingly.

3. Optimising for Local SEO

Optimising for local SEO means putting your brand’s location and other elements like reviews and testimonials. It plays a major role in building trust between you and your customers. Whether you own an online or an offline business, the location of your business is an important factor. Local SEO optimization helps your website pop on the SERP whenever someone does any location specific search. 

If your services cover a large area, you have to provide location specific contents for your users. People living in different areas have different tastes, so you have to deliver content to different users as per their location specific terms. 

Apart from this, another main local SEO optimization is link building with other brands around you. Getting links and references from other businesses around you can get you traffic in an easy way. Some of the popular local SEO strategies are- 

  • Register your brand with Google My Business (GMB). It is a free tool by Google that helps the search engine to show information about your brand whenever someone searches for it. 
  • Collaborate with local influencer 
  • Create presence in local directories 

4. Incorporating Long Tail Keywords 

According to research, most of the queries on Google contain more than 4 words. Therefore, incorporating long-tail keywords will increase the chances of you website to rank. Long-tail keywords have 3-5% higher click-through rate than normal searches. 

We depend so much on keywords because it is the intention of a user whenever he is searching something on a search engine. The search intent can be of many types: 

  • Informational: The user intent is to find contents about specific information. (‘How to’, reviews, etc.) 
  • Navigational: This is a very specific search. The intent here is to reach a particular brand or person 
  • Transactional: The user searches to buy or purchase something. (Buy, subscribe etc.)

With long-tail keywords, you can reach all the search intents that cannot be fulfilled otherwise.

Also, by using long-tail keywords you can optimise your content for-

  • Feature snippets
  • Voice searches 
  • Semantic search 

5. Creating Right Type of Content for Your Audience

If your brand does not reach your target audience, there is no chance you can promote your brand successfully.  You can create top quality and optimised content but if it is not for the right audience, it is of no use. 

First of all, you need to know your target audience based on the products or services your brand offers. For example, if your company sells Anime t-shirts, your target audience will generally be of 13-30 years olds. If you do not keep that in mind and create neutral content targeting every age group, it will not reach the right ones.

If you manage to satisfy the search intents of the potential customers by providing contents they can relate to, it will increase your brand awareness. 

The search intent and Google algorithms update every day. The key is to adapt your brand strategy and stay up-to-date. You can do it by regularly following industry news, trends and user behaviour.

There are many tools online that can give you insights about the latest trends of your industry. Some of the popular tools are: 

  • Google trends 
  • Buzzsumo 

6. Creating Brand Image 

Creating a positive brand image is one of the most crucial parts of promotion. Creating a good impression of your brand will automatically increase sales and generate more leads. Wondering how SEO is related to improving brand image? SEO plays an important role here. 

You can maintain a positive brand image by following general SEO strategies. Being SEO optimised makes it more visible to people. 

  • Post keyword incorporated contents related to your target audience 
  • Use multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora to connect more with people. Use proper keywords and Hashtags 
  • Add reviews and ratings that people can rely on 
  • Consistently post on multiple platforms 
  • Optimise the website for better user experience. Page load speed, UI, visuals, contents- each of them plays a big role in creating a positive impression of your brand.

Promoting brands digitally has become easier as there are so many ways to do it. Applying the above mentioned SEO strategies will help you gain more popularity and leads. 

7. Measuring Brand Activity 

You should keep analysing your brand’s website time-to-time. Keeping a track of brand activity helps to understand a website’s performance. There are many online tools which you can use for analysing the collected data-

  • Ahrefs 
  • Google Search Console 
  • Google Analytics
  • Pagespeed insights 

By measuring brand activity, you can: 

  1. Get Google alerts or other warnings if any SEO strategy needs improvement.
  2. Understand the performance of your brand- whether it is making progress or not. 
  3. Keep track of Google trends, updates or guidelines which will help you enhance your website and stay up-to-date. 

In today’s world, promotion has become a lot easier as one can reach millions of people across the web with a digital presence. All you need to have is- a solid SEO strategy. Even if SEO is not directly related to promotion, it plays a huge role in increasing visibility. 

The key for promoting your brand online is staying up-to-date. Over time, you will need to adjust your strategies and make sure you reach your target audience. By applying those above mentioned SEO strategies, you will surely be able to build your brand’s trust and credibility that will eventually result in success. 

Author Bio

Subhodip Das

Subhodip Das is the CEO of Das Writing Services Pvt. Ltd., which is an SEO-optimised and non-plagiarised content-generating firm. He is in this business for the last decade and after a lot of hard work and dedication has brought this company under the top 10 in Kolkata.

After completing his Engineering and being unsatisfied with his 9 to 5 job, he started everything from scratch along with his two friends. Now, this company has become a family of more than 65 professionally trained and creative content writers, bringing 85% of repetitive customers.

Karan Singh

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