How to Customize Products Based on User Selections
The buying decision is always on the user and they are the ones deciding the products they want, including varying features. When the ball is in the web user’s court, you should be emphasizing more on providing customization opportunities.
While you can come up with multiple product variations and features, the provision of a customized shopping experience is still not guaranteed. This depends merely on what the user chooses and what further product variations the user will get.
Precisely, the customization of the products is a continuation of previous user selections and decisions. We will discuss how products are customized based on the user selection in this blog.
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What Are Customized Products and Why Are They Important?
Any product that is tailored to customer requirements and specifications is known as a customized product. These customer specifications are identified through what product features the customer chooses.
The customization of a product can be done for:
- Its design and size
- For its shape
- For additional features
- For special notes and engravings
This list can vary and grow depending on what you customize and what your customers expect from you.
You necessarily need to cater to these customization needs because help in offering:
Personalized Experiences
Customization is the foundation and basic element for providing a personalized shopping experience. Any WooCommerce solution that does not offer product customization can never offer a personalized experience. With a personalized product, the buyer can connect more because it is tailored to their specific needs.
Swift Buying Decisions
The ambiguities the customer has during their buying journey always delay the buying decision and, in most cases, result in cart abandonment. Any product the customer customized himself is less likely to be abandoned. If you want your customers to make their buying decision swiftly and that too in your favor, then customization of the products is the solution.
Transparent Pricing
Fair and transparent pricing is all it takes to build connections and trust in your customers. Unexpected prices are always a source to disconnect your customers from you and this happens more often with products that are not customized based on user selection. With each move the customer makes, they are kept informed about the price changes if they are customizing their products with any add-on.
Improved Sales
A customizable product brings more value when it comes to increasing sales. If you want to grow your profit margins without revamping your entire website, then offering customization is the best way. You will see a huge difference in your sales after providing extensive customization options to your customers. Actually, a lot of online stores struggle to grow their sales despite every effort because they lack customization.
Competitive Advantage
Every WooCommerce store out there implements the practices that lead to a more customized shopping experience. Whether you sell simple or variable products, customization requirements are always there from the buyer’s end. This increasing need from your targets makes it compulsory to own customized WooCommerce solutions. Customization gives you a competitive advantage and you become your target customer’s priority.
Customer Experience
Customer experiences matter the most and there are ample ways to improve or build them. Customization of the products is the fundamental thing contributing to the making or building of these customer experiences. If you want your customers to remember their shopping experience as a memory to cherish, then offering customization can help.
Customizing Products Based On User Selection
Now coming straight to the point and that is to customize products based on user selection and how that happens. It is obvious that customization of the products is not possible on its own, until and unless you put the customers in charge of it. To give this authority to the customers, you have to design and develop your product page accordingly.
The following are the ways customization of the products is achieved depending on user input:
1. Conditional Product Display
Not every product on your website is of your user’s interest so display the products accordingly. For instance, if you are a clothing brand and sell clothes for both genders, then the display of the products will depend on user input. If the user selects the men’s section, the products displayed will be related to this gender only. This is just one example of how a product catalog is customized; with further conditioning, the orders placed can also be customized.
2. Custom Product Fields
With the WooCommerce product options plugin, you can level up the customization options and opportunities for your users. With this plugin, you can let the customer customize their orders by providing their recommendations and specifications in the input fields. The end product received by the customer will be a mirror image of the product they have imagined when filling out these fields. Every custom field is significant in gathering user preferences on the product features and attributes they want to add to customize it.
3. Reduce Choice Overload
Too many product choices usually complicate things for the customers and they fail to customize their orders. Too many things happening at a time overwhelms the users and they may give up purchasing. Reduce the choice overload and this is possible by displaying the next choice based on the user’s previous input. This way, instead of bombarding the user with too many choices, you proceed things with one step at a time.
4. Product Filtering
Customization is achieved by making products available that are liked by the customers. This is not possible to provide only with the support of custom product fields, but you need more effort with the product pages. By enabling the product filtering options and specifically advanced filtering methods, you let the customers customize their purchases. With this filter option, the customer will decide what they want to choose and purchase.
Customization is the utmost need for many WooCommerce stores and, most importantly, the users. These customization options are only fruitful and beneficial if they are done based on user input. So, if you want one such feature available for your web users, then a custom product field plugin can help you to a great extent.
Author Profile

Vice President at Expert App Devs
Responsible for creating a sales funnel, attracting top-of-the-funnel customers, and converting the target market.
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