NBN Plans: Top 3 Features Offered by the Best Providers for Renters

When you are renting a place, it can be quite difficult to get an NBN plan that will suit all your needs and preferences. This is because as a renter, you may be restricted to doing certain things on the property. Rest assured that there are various NBN plans that no longer entail the need for a technician visit or equipment installation for you to have an internet connection. Just be mindful of the features that come with the plan to ensure that it will be able to meet your needs. This article lists down some of the top features offered by NBN providers for renters.

NBN Plans

NBN Plans: Top 3 Features Offered by the Best Providers for Renters

1. No-contract Term

One of the features of the best NBN plans that prove to be beneficial for renters is the no-contract term. This provides tenants with the option to unsubscribe to their plans anytime they deem the need to do so. This is quite beneficial because there are instances wherein tenants may need to move out for various reasons. Not having to pay for a pre-termination fee will be one less item in their checklist when this happens.

There are also instances wherein renters may have new housemates moving in or old housemates moving out. In this case, a plan with a no-contract term will again prove to be beneficial because they will have the liberty to downgrade or upgrade their plan as necessary without having to think about paying for any additional fees. Thus, if you are a renter, it is a good idea to go for a plan that features a no-contract term.

2. Congestion-free Plans

Another feature of NBN plans that proves to be beneficial for renters is being congestion-free. This means that as a renter, you will get to enjoy the speed advertised in your plan even during peak hours when several users are connected to the network at the same time. When you are living with several people who are all heavy internet users, you will be able to maximise this feature accordingly regardless of whether your plan is under the standard or fast speed tier.

3. Unlimited data

Finally, you will also benefit from an unlimited data feature of the best NBN plans. This is because when you are renting, you may not have the time to closely monitor the bandwidth usage of all of your housemates. With a certain data allocation, there is a great chance that you go over the cap and need to pay for excess data charges. To avoid this from happening, it is a better option for you to go for an NBN plan with unlimited data. Fortunately, most NBN providers already offer this feature so you won’t have to worry.

The Bottomline

Some of the top features offered by the best NBN providers to renters include a no-contract term, a congestion-free plan with unlimited data, as well as a phone bundle. But then again, the perfect plan that you need to subscribe to depends on your specific needs and preferences. Hence, make sure that you first figure out the non-negotiable features for you before you subscribe to a certain plan.

Karan Singh

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