Why choose Gojek Clone App For your On Demand Business?
On-demand businesses are very much in ‘demand’. From deliveries to sending out parcels, and even calling the taxi and service providers home, the customers are enjoying on-demand services! This magnificent mobile application does not only provide a platform but entire lifestyle support to people living a truly urbanized life with busy schedules. Gojek clone already saw the pain points of these people and addressed them in their robust app.
These are the positive points of the app that has made it a popular choice:
- Multiple services
- Doorstep delivery of anything customers want
- Lucrative features
- Ultra Modern UI/UX
Why Do Entrepreneurs Trust Gojek Clone for Their On-demand Business?
These are the reasons why on-demand industry entrepreneurs have been more inclined to launch the on-demand super app solution.
1. Convenience
The application allows the customers to conveniently book one or multiple services from the app. In real-time, the customers can see the availability of the service. Also, the app lets them know it would help fulfill their needs.
With peace of mind and the comfort of the couch, your customers can get home deliveries, hire providers, or send yummy homemade hazelnut chocolates to their friends!
2. Nearby services
The customers find it interesting and attractive to seek nearby facilities. This is because, in the quickest time, the stuff can be delivered to the customer’s doorstep. The on-demand multi-service platform allows the customers to check who is nearby their location and who could reach the location in the shortest time.
Besides checking who’s nearby, your customers can also check:
- Provider’s experience
- Rating & review
- Previous work in photos
- Their safety badges
3. Cost-efficiency
The Gojek clone app is also known for its cost-efficiency. It is not only cost-efficient for the customers but also the entrepreneurs. But first, let’s consider why customers find it a money-saving machine? Now, the platform not only enlists one store or one provider for the chosen category but a number of them. Therefore, it gets super easy for the customers to pick the provider or item that fits their budget while also satisfying their needs!
On the flip side of the coin, the entrepreneurs who find this on-demand super app solution cost-effective too. Why? Because building the app from scratch will splurge at least USD 250,000. But, if they choose the ready-made multi-services app solution, a four-figure investment is all that’s needed!
4. Easy payments
Ah! How can one forget the easy payment options that the app provides its customers with? The multiple payment options included in this app are:
- Cash on delivery
- Payment via in-app wallet balance
- Credit-card
Let me tell you that today, the most commonly used mode of payment is online! Why hand over the cash and unnecessarily risk contracting the virus when your customers can use their smartphones and with a single tap, pay for the services?
5. Feedback
The other best thing about the Gojek clone is it includes an in-depth feedback section! The feedback section asks the customers about their experience, their rating, and their review. Moreover, this multi-services app takes every feedback sincerely and works upon them!
From ensuring that every service is delivered with Covid-19 precautions to giving the customers to mark providers as ‘favorite’, this app offers too many perks!
To sum up, the only thing that remains here is – to build a perfect app, you need to choose only the licensed white-labeling firms with at least a decade of experience! Developing a Gojek clone app is not a child’s play. Therefore, choosing only the experts can help you win the market and become a millionaire!
Get the clone app script today so that you can become an entrepreneur for real by the end of this week itself! Yes! Launching a fully-fledged on-demand multi-service app takes only 1 – 2 weeks.
Author Profile
- I am the owner of the blog readree.com. My love for technology began at a young age, and I have been exploring every nook and cranny of it for the past eight years. In that time, I have learned an immense amount about the internet world, technology, Smartphones, Computers, Funny Tricks, and how to use the internet to solve common problems faced by people in their day-to-day lives. Through this blog, I aim to share all that I have learned with my readers so that they can benefit from it too. Connect with me : Sabinbaniya2002@gmail.com
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